Ryan Thaut

Senior Full-Stack Software Engineer
Freelance Web Designer & Developer


I am a senior full-stack software engineer and web designer/developer/consultant.

  • Enterprise cloud CRM customization

  • API design, development, and usage

  • Custom web-based applications

  • Online presence for small businesses

I am currently self-employed; if you would like to work with me, you can read more about my professional services and contact me on my business website:

A Nerd in Wyoming

Growing up in Casper, Wyoming, my fascination with technology began early, thanks to my grandfather's career at IBM and his shared passion for computers.A pivotal moment was a middle school assignment where we created our own websites; the instant feedback and interactive nature of web design completely captivated me.By high school, I was designing and maintaining websites for local businesses, turning my passion into a part-time job. I expanded my programming skills beyond the web after taking a Visual Basic class.I later earned a Computer Science degree from Montana State University in 2010. Currently, I work as an independent developer and consultant, specializing in cloud system integration for enterprise clients and improving the online presence of small businesses.Outside of work, I enjoy enjoy coding on various side projects, PC gaming, and reading.

Browser Extensions

I make free extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge web browsers.

Other Side Projects

Here are some of my more polished side projects. I typically use these to learn new tools, technologies, etc., but I like making solutions for problems I have actually encountered, rather than basic TODO apps and GPT wrappers.

  • Are you hosting trivia night?
    Trivia Slides Generator is an online tool for quickly building and exporting trivia-focused slide decks

  • Enjoy people watching?
    People Watching with Friends is a mobile-first app to play with your friends. Compete for points by spotting various scenarios

  • Editing/printing booklet PDFs?
    PDF Booklet Tools lets you reorder or resize pages in booklet PDFs

YouTube Popout Player

This browser extension provides simple ways to open any YouTube video or playlist (including videos and playlists embedded in other sites/pages) in a configurable "popout" window that can be freely sized and/or positioned.

  • Open any YouTube video (including playlists) in a popout player, either as a new browser window or a new tab in your current browser window.

  • Open links to YouTube videos and/or playlists from any website in the popout player with a convenient right-click option.

  • Show or hide the video player controls in the popout player.

  • Automatically resume playback of the video when the popout player opens.

  • Loop videos (both single videos and playlists) in the popout player.

  • Multiple ways to customize the size and position of the popout player, with support for multiple displays/monitors/screens.

  • Quickly rotate videos in the popout player left, right, or upside down to fill the entire frame.

  • Optionally close the original video when the popout player opens.

  • Configurable keyboard shortcuts for opening the popout player.

  • ... and much more!

DeviantArt Filter

Have you ever want to block/filter deviations (a.k.a. submissions) while browsing DeviantArt? Well now you can! Simply install DeviantArt Filter in your web browser of choice and start filtering by user and/or keyword.

  • Filter deviations by keywords in titles and/or tags (with wildcard support) and/or by username.

  • Fully-featured management panel for maintaining your filters and controlling functionality.

  • Quickly create filters from any deviation thumbnail or link.

  • Import and export filter lists for easy backup and migration.

Challenge Grid Autofill

This browser extension provides a way to programmatically parse prompts and automatically fill in the corresponding response for websites using security/challenge grids as an additional authentication mechanism, such as Entrust eGrid and Deepnet Security GridID.

  • Parses challenge prompts and automatically enters the corresponding response for the selected grid from a context menu and/or the browser action menu

  • Store multiple grids directly in your browser and sync them across multiple devices

  • Quickly import grids from CSV files and/or use the built-in grid editor

  • Optionally automatically submit the challenge form after entering a response

  • Optionally force the UI elements of this extension to use Dark Mode